Alpha-Betic Aesthetic

Letters started quite a fight About topic full of might, Then they made a silliest bet On who knows the alphabet, And which letter is the best, Whose aesthetic stood the test. Alpha said: ‘I know it well, Bet-a dollar you won’t tell What’s a letter, what is not You will tie yourself in knot!’ Gamma sure as ever was: ‘I won’t fight for such a cause!’ Delta dealt with all this well: ‘My sides different story tell And besides, yours aren’t great! Epsilon lacks sides to tell What a letter needs to thrive, To be seen as handsome guy.’ Zeta’s ETA was at six: ‘I won’t brew in such a mix!’ Theta knows not one iota It’s interested in biota. Kappa was quite incapable To think such chat much probable. Lambda said not more than: ‘Muuuu, I don’t like that what is nu. Letter’s nicer when it’s old.’ Xi said softly: ‘Let’s be bold!’ Omicron ate all the Pie: ‘I’m a very special guy.’ Rho said: ‘You are really not a letter And there’s many more that’s better!’ Sigma staged a protest, too. Tautology it pursued: ‘Ups, I long for pastures new, Waters wet, and gluey glue.’ ‘Phi!’ said child of stanza last: ‘How come letters of the past Argue so when they’ve been asked To pursue this simple task? Of psilosis I know little, Sounds and letters are so brittle!’ Hence omega shouted so: ‘Time to finish what’s unknown!!! Tired are we of this wrangling I am shapely and outstanding.’ … Letters of the alphabet are all thus beyond upset, Each is great and each is there to create the alphabet. If it all seems Greek to you, it is so because you’re new To this alphabety thing, of which letters are the king!

for Io, my moon